Sample Papers


please answer the following questions: question 1: The Supreme Court has held that burning an American flag is protected by the First Amendment if it is done as a political expression. True False\ question 2: Regulation of speech in a public forum cannot discriminate based on the content of the speech. True False question 3: […]

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questions for american poltics

Discuss the TWO major questions posed in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819. Next, what were the TWO constitutional provisions used by the Supreme Court’s majority in the McCulloch v. Maryland decision to justify its opinion. Lastly, explain how the McCulloch case expanded the power of the federal government in relation to the […]

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Discuss the TWO major questions posed in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819

1) Discuss the TWO major questions posed in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819. Next, what were the TWO constitutional provisions used by the Supreme Court’s majority in the McCulloch v. Maryland decision to justify its opinion. Lastly, explain how the McCulloch case expanded the power of the federal government in relation to […]

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Political Science Question

Can someone please put together 15-25 bullet points outlining Palestine’s objectives and strategy towards the Syrian conflict. Then, I’d like you to put together a few bullet points describing the positions of each Pelaestine / group’s allies and enemies. Finally, I’d like you to think about ways in which you can best navigate this environment […]

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Principle of Hospitality

NOTE: This is a discussion post for 3 different classes. 2 Political Science classes and 1 Hospitality class. Please label each discussion answer with the class name as I have labeled it in the question so it will be easy for me to know which answer is for what question. Be detailed in your answers, […]

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american Presidency

American Presidency Fall 2016 First Paper Assighment Requirements: Maximum 1000 words Due: Monday, October 3 The two major party candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are entering the final phase of the 2016 presidential campaign. With election day on Tuesday, November 8 only about six weeks away, the two candidates are working hard to win […]

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communication, punctuation

Midterm – Key Findings Brief (600-900 words): Based on your weekly readings, choose an issue that resonates with you and research it. Draft a Key Findings Brief in the format used by the Scholars Strategy Network, of which one example is provided below. Notice the format: problem identification, key findings, solutions. You will be graded […]

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book review on clandestine crossings

A book review is a critical piece of writing which usually either praises or more often criticizes a book. I do not have any must have’s or absolute requirements but generally a good book review which will get a grade of A will meet these requirements: 1) 12 point New Times Roman font, double spaced, […]

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book review on the great texas windrush

A book review is a critical piece of writing which usually either praises or more often criticizes a book. I do not have any must have’s or absolute requirements but generally a good book review which will get a grade of A will meet these requirements: 1) 12 point New Times Roman font, double spaced, […]

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book review on the great texas windrush

A book review is a critical piece of writing which usually either praises or more often criticizes a book. I do not have any must have’s or absolute requirements but generally a good book review which will get a grade of A will meet these requirements: 1) 12 point New Times Roman font, double spaced, […]

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