

Consider these three problems. In writing a paper about all three of them individually, identify the consequences of the actions taken, and then determine whether the actions taken represented a greater good, who would benefit from the good, and whether the consequences ethically justify the decisions and actions. The Mayor of a large city was […]

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Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice

Using the steps outlined in the decision-making models in your readings, select one ethical decision-making model and use the model to analyze the case provided. Case Scenario: A 6-year-old develops a high fever accompanied by violent vomiting and convulsions while at school. The child is rushed to a nearby hospital. The attending physician makes a […]

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The Good Life: The Consequentialism Debate

The final graded assignment is an 8–10-page paper about the question: what is the good life? This assignment will be completed in four parts, so you may want to use section headers to organize your paper. This paper is somewhat cumulative, so you may need to review material from previous weeks to prepare for this […]

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Cartesian rationalism

After completing the readings for this week, draft a 6–8-page paper. This assignment will be completed in three parts, so you may want to use section headers to organize your paper. Remember to explain the theories you reference with supporting citations to the textbook and online lectures before contrasting them, utilizing correct APA format. You […]

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Ethics and Trust in Critical Thinking Decisions

Imagine you are seeking information on a new car that you are thinking of buying. Determine the level of trust that you would place in information provided by the following: a salesman at the car lot, the dealer’s Website, social media (i.e. Facebook), an associate from work, and finally a close friend. Discuss the key […]

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Workplace Ethics

This assignment will give you the opportunity to choose a case study, and then write about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that are described. Each case study includes a set of questions that you should answer. You can choose either Case Study 9.1: Unprofessional Conduct, or Case Study 8.4: Have Gun […]

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Ethical Lens

Terrorism is a complex and tragically violent topic that affects every corner of the globe. Terrorist attacks may be domestic, such as those that have occurred in Oklahoma City, Iraq, or Colombia. They may also be carried out by external threats such as those that have occurred in Spain, England, and the United States. In […]

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Ethics around the globe

In confucianism there are many virtues. Which 3 do you think are the most important and why. Compare and contrast the African perspective with confucianism. Provide at least 3 similarities and/or differences. (does not have to be in APA format and no word or page count just straight to the point.)

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Ethical Theory

Which ethical theory do you think is more connected to the real world and Why? Utilitarianism Buddism Kantianism Virtue Confucianism   This is not a paper that needs to be in APA format nor does it have a word count. Just need an basic answer.

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Developing the Philosophical Thesis Statement

Alfred North Whitehead’s statement: “What is morality in any given time and place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike” is a very controversial statement. Think about this statement as you consider the following questions as a guide to help your formulate a thesis statement. […]

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