Leadership Studies

Analyze Leadership Styles

Analyze Leadership Styles. Your case study should be apx 6 pages in length, double-spaced, 1-inch margin all around, 12 point font. Add references and graphics/tables. Answer the following questions: Which leadership style did the engineer expect from his leaders? Why do you think they failed to use it? What leadership style does Michael use? What would […]

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How do you make a fair judgment?

Discussion: How do you make a fair judgment? View the “Week 9 Scene 1” and “Week 9 Scene 2” scenarios. From the scenarios, Chris and Erica find themselves facing an ethical dilemma regarding an employee’s unauthorized activities. Assuming you were in their position, discuss how you would address the problem to ensure that your final […]

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Leading and managing people

Assignment 3 requires you to work in teams of three to four people to write an essay on the topic below and to provide individual feedback from each team member regarding the group work process. The feedback is to be included as a separate section in the same document as the essay.   Essay Task […]

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Annotated bibliography

The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills. The annotated bibliography should include a paragraph for each source containing the following information: Name of the article, including the complete bibliographic citation, using APA format. Summary/abstract of the article – annotation […]

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Self Esteem and Self Efficacy

Explain the dynamics of how self- esteem affects self- efficacy. Provide an example of an internal or external force that impacts your self-efficacy. Communication and Team Building Discuss the importance of identifying norms within a team. Why is clear communication considered an essential element during team development? Provide an example when you were a team […]

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Leadership and Teams – Theoretical Leadership Models

Option #1: Leadership and Teams – Theoretical Leadership Models Synthesize the topics of leadership and teams by crafting an essay in which, using supporting materials, you assess the theory and practice of leadership as it relates to teams. In your critical essay, address both of the following items: Describe and explain how one leadership model […]

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Conflict Identification and Resolution

We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society. When we bring individuals together from diverse backgrounds in a work environment conflict can arise when expectations are not realized or met. Rather than hoping conflict will go away, this paper will explore and identify the reasons for conflict and how to successfully address them […]

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Communication Skills for Leaders

Explain the role of gender conversational rituals. Elaborate on the topic and share several ways you, or someone you know, has had to adapt to gender differences in communication (include examples). should be at least 100 words must use textbook Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2013). Business and professional communication (2nd ed.). Upper […]

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Managerial Decision Making

Determine your decision making method…. do you use a Pareto, Weighted Pros and Cons, the Six Hat Thinking Method, a Decision Tree, Consensus by group, or another process. It is important to note that brainstorming is not a decision making method. It is a method to find alternatives after doing research. Problem solving is also […]

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Cultural Leadership Strategies

Write a paper (1,100 words) that compares and contrasts the strategies and applications of the dynamic cultural leadership model with the omnibus leadership model. An effective health care organization must be committed to improving the health of the community. Discuss how the following issues are addressed by each of the leadership models: a) Clarity of […]

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