Religion Assignments

In order to answer each of all assignments correct please first you will must use this required book.

• Required text book “Experiencing the World’s Religions, by Michael Molloy McGraw-Hill “.

Next, look at the file I have uploaded for you and read it carefully please it will have everything for you to complete the assignments.

• Required text book: ” Experiencing the World’s Religions, by Michael Molloy McGraw-Hill “.
There will be 5 Assignments each with 4 Essay Questions. EACH of those essays should be 3-5 paragraphs in which the topic is covered according to the text. That is, the essential elements/concepts/theories in the text on the topic should be developed in the essays. These essays are very focused and a good response would reflect a mastery of the way the topic is treated in the text. Also, you should include your own/opinion on the topic to make personal your response.
• Assignment 1 Essay questions: 4 following essay topics will be on your first Assignment. (3-5 paragraphs)
1. What are the values/practices that held/hold indigenous tribes together?
2. What are the threats to indigenous tribes today. Elaborate an example from your own experience or knowledge.
3. What should/can societies do to protect/preserve their indigenous peoples?
4. What functions should religious authority exercise in a healthy, functional faith community. Be precise and give examples from real life scenarios.
• Assignment 2 The following are the 4 essay questions. Each should be developed in a cohesive essay using the language of the course/text to elaborate and enrich your essays. (3-5 paras)
1. Why are there two creation accounts, and what sources do they utilize for their imagery and content.
2. There are stories/events in the Hebrew Bible which depict violent, even immoral acts by those chosen by God to bring about his plan. How would you explain these things to those seeking to understand more about the Bible?
3. Contrast Conservative and Reform Judaism.
4. What is the relationship between historical truth and religious/theological truth? Use and example from the text to explain these concepts.
• Assignment 3 Essays: these four essay topics will be on your 3rd Assignment (3-5 paragraphs)
1.) What groups held which views concerning the coming of the Messiah at the time of Jesus’ life?
2.) What caused the split between the Roman Catholic Church in the West, and the Orthodox Church of Constantinople? What is the relationship of these churches today?
3.) What were reasons/sources for the separation of various protestant groups from the Roman Catholic Church? Name people, places, issues, to develop your essay.
4) What role did St. Paul, St. Augustine and St. Benedict have in the spreading of the Gospels? Discuss this in terms of the kind of work and ministry each of them lived.

• Assignment 4 Essay Topics: (3-5 paragraphs)
1) What are the “Essentials of Islam” and how do they compare to other religions?
2) What do Muslims believe about the divine revelations of God throughout human history?
3) Describe the Qu’ran by structure, content, style and usage.
4) What are the aesthetic features of Islamic art and architecture?

• 5th Assignment Essays- (Use Chapter 4 on Buddhism) (3-5 para)
1. Describe the relationship between the terms karma, samsara, and nirvana.
2. What are the essential elements of the Theravada school of Buddhism; note especially the role of monks in this Buddhists tradition.
3. What is the 3-body doctrine of Mahayana thought; what constitutes the world view or ideology of this Buddhist tradition.
4. Describe the aesthetic effect of Buddhism on the Japanese arts; give specific effects in the Japanese culture.

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