Fiction, Telling a story

In one document, collect your answers to the following questions about your readings in this unit. These questions are split into three categories: literal, interpretive, and applied. Literal questions simply ask you about the most basic elements of a text. You can answer these questions in a sentence or two. Interpretive questions ask you to read between the lines. Interpretation encourages you to explore, discover, and explain what is not directly stated by the text. Thus, you need to use evidence from the text to support your analysis. You should write 1-2 paragraphs on these questions.Applied questions ask you to connect the readings to the world beyond. Using details and evidence from the text, you’ll explain how literature is helping you see the world around you in a new light. You should write 1-2 paragraphs on these questions. Be sure to read each question carefully and answer every part of the question! Please also use at least one quote or example for each interpretive and applied answer.Literal Questions1. What does Gurov think about women at the beginning of “The Lady with the Dog”? 2. In Section III of “The Lady with the Dog,” Gurov goes to Anna Sergeevna’s town S——–. When in town, where does he go to meet her?3. What happens to Tessie at the end of “The Lottery”?Interpretive Questions4. By the end of Section I of “The Lady with the Dog,” what does Gurov think about Anna Sergeevna? How do his feelings change over the course of the story? 5. “The Lady with the Dog” provides a nice opportunity to explore the importance of setting. We learn that Gurov feels like he is living different lives in the vacation town of Yalta compared to his home city of Moscow. Use evidence from the text to explain what each location reveals about his desires and the conflicts that get in the way of those desires. 6. “The Lady with the Dog” ends on an ambiguous note, leaving it up to readers to decide what will happen between Gurov and Anna Sergeevna. What do you think will happen to Gurov and Anna after the events of this story? Use evidence from the story to support your interpretation. 7. “The Lottery” begins on a “clear and sunny” summer day, but that normal, happy setting contrasts with the tone at the end of the story. Why do you think Jackson chose to create such a mismatch between the setting and the events at the end of the story? What do you think this reveals about the village, its characters, and/or this ritual? 8. We don’t learn nearly as much about the characters of “The Lottery” as we do about Gurov and Anna Sergeevna in “The Lady with the Dog.” Let’s assume, though, that Shirley Jackson is just as capable of creating rich and realistic characters as Anton Chekhov. Why do you think she chose not to give as many details about these characters and their desires? What sort of experience do you think she wants to create for her readers?Applied Questions 9. “The Lady with the Dog” ends ambiguously while “The Lottery” ends with a surprise. In general, do you prefer stories with open endings, clear endings, or twist endings? Why? What do you think is most effective about the ending of one of these stories?10. In the Unit 3 instructions, I explained that characters’ desires and conflicts drive the plot of most stories. Choose your favorite story from this unit. What would happen to the story of a main character lacked desire or did not face a conflict. Be sure to point to specific moments from the story that would change without desire or conflict

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