

Q1- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of conducting qualitative research?

Q2- Based on the topic research (Safety Leadership, OSHA), what are some of the most critical ethical concerns that you might need to address when conducting your research and how would you properly manage them?



Advantages and Disadvantages of Conducting Qualitative Research


First, the researcher is able to obtain rich, in-depth description of the subjects and issues of study because participants can explain what they mean. Second, it facilitates a more holistic and proper view of events, and in their context (Rahman, 2017). Third, the researcher can consider the human factor such as the perceptions of participants in a study. Fourth, this technique has a flexible structure as it can be adjusted and readjusted to accommodate changes in questioning, data collection or reporting. Consequently, it offers a thorough and appropriate analysis of a given phenomenon. Fifth, the technique is desirable for issues in which detailed understanding is needed (Lancaster University, 2016).



First, the human factor in data gathering may make the approach highly subjective. Such subjectivisms may lead to inaccurate generalizations (Lancaster University, 2016). Second, the focus on participants’ experiences leaves out other important contextual sensitivities (Rahman, 2017). Third, it is unreliable as different results may be obtained in different days with different people. Fourth, the small sample sizes present problems of generalizability to the entire study population. Fifth, the approach consumes a considerable amount of time during data gathering and analysis.

Ethical Concerns in Research

The first ethical concern is informed consent. The researcher must ensure that participants understand what will occur during the research exercise, and voluntarily agree to take part. In my study on Leadership Safety, OSHA, I will present an introduction letter to the authority, outlining the motive of the research, to seek permission to access data from the participants.  The second issue is beneficence. It requires that the study be conducted if it presents elements of benefit (Kirklees Council, n.d). To address this issue during my research, I will have a clearly note on the significance of study such as its potential contribution to practice, policy and knowledge. The third ethical issue relates to respect for privacy and confidentiality. I will address this concern by assuring participants that I will properly manage their private information, and I will not link their identities with their responses (Fouka & Mantzorou, 2011). The final ethical relates to the competence of the researcher. It requires that a research possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct a study. I will address this problem by properly equipping myself with the knowledge in the area of safety and OSHA to help me design the right tools for data gathering.


Fouka, G., & Mantzorou, M. (2011). What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? Is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing? Health Science Journal, Vol 5 (1), 3-14.

Kirklees Council. (n.d.). Ethical issues in research. Retrieved from Kirklees Council:

Lancaster University. (2016, June 28). Qualitative and quantitative research. Retrieved from Lancaster University:

Rahman, S. (2017). The advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in language “testing and assessment” research: A literature review. Journal of Education and Learning, Vol. 6 (1), 102-112.

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