Organizational Effectiveness (OE)




Introduction. 2

Defining Organizational Effectiveness. 2

Theories of Organizational Effectiveness. 3

Methods of Exerting Control in an Organizational Setting. 4

Conclusion. 5

References. 7

Organizational Effectiveness (OE)


Most modern companies have set goals that are designed to lead them in a specific direction. To achieve the intended objectives, managers need to train the employees to follow a decisive path that will enhance organizational effectiveness. Consequently, to measure accomplishments, an assessment of the progress being made should be done. Understanding this aspect is critical since it is only attributed to the goals of the company. The exertion of control is vital in ensuring maximum effectiveness. Besides, certainty is only guaranteed once essential mechanisms are applied. Many institutions allocate resources to improve the acquisition of competent workers to operate in different positions. Moreover, the fundamental role of all employees is to ensure that quality services are delivered, and organizational effectiveness is achieved. Additionally, to gain insight of the climate and culture of the company, it is important to examine employees and include them in the establishment of a strategic plan. In the criminal justice environment, managers must apply different theories appropriately to assess departmental efficiency. The challenges involved tend to increase very often since there is always a need to improve organizational performance. To enhance effectiveness in personnel management, it is critical for the managers to understand the concepts of OE by applying different approaches.


Defining Organizational Effectiveness

            An organization may be defined as a group of people brought together deliberately to accomplish a specific purpose and for definite reasons. Professional institutions are characterized by distinctiveness in terms of sensibility, authority, the responsibility to communicate effectively, and control. Consequently, additional features are the norms and rules within a department. Furthermore, there exist individuals responsible for ensuring that the company is steered towards achieving its goals efficiently (Nold & Michel, 2016). Accordingly, organizational effectiveness is defined as the level of success of any institution regarding the attainment of the objectives. It is normally enhanced by correcting the implementation plans, procedures, and designed policies.

Theories of Organizational Effectiveness

            Organizational effectiveness can be achieved through the application of theories of agile, bureaucratic, and management objectives. The former signifies the implementation of software developed for the purpose of enhancing the achievement of goals in any institution. Consequently, the hypothesis establishes the framework and guidelines that the management needs to consider when adopting the most appropriate methods. The agile approach provides for an effective, and fast tactic for enhancing the level of satisfaction for the target population. The method establishes a technological approach to problem-solving in institutions. The criminal justice department requires such adaptive techniques in order to improve the achievement of the intended objectives. The incorporation of the agile theory creates a platform for overcoming many challenges while predefining a set of changing requirements and steps for attaining the desirable outcomes. Moreover, it acts as a link between managers and employees within the organization (Zyngier & Owen, 2013). Besides, the approach reintroduces adaptable, productive, and flexible ideas within the criminal justice department.


            The court system requires the establishment of the scientific management approach in the achievement, simplification, specialization, and standardization of the desired goals. To improve productivity, there must be mutual trust between supervisors and workers. Moreover, the bureaucratic theory is based on a consideration of each department as part of a broader society. It describes hierarchical roles and levels clearly for the purpose of maintaining effectiveness and efficiency. Besides, the establishment of strong lines of control and authority is required in the justice department. It is imperative for a detailed and comprehensive standard for monitoring operations and procedures to be developed. Bureaucracy is perceived as the existence of specialized administrative staff and structures established through a rational-legal authority. Additionally, the concept of specialization enhances efficiency by generating a system for work performance (Nold & Michel, 2016). Within the criminal justice department, responsibilities at each level are delineated to promote competition among the staff.

            Besides, the criminal justice department can apply the theory of management by objectives by seeking a balance between the goals of the workers and those of the organization. Moreover, it determines the joint aims and provides essential feedback. Equally, setting challenging but achievable goals promotes empowerment and motivation among employees (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2012). By enhancing commitment, managers are provided with an opportunity to focus on relevant innovations and ideas that contribute to organizational growth. Moreover, expectations need to be addressed at all levels of the department, and each person must know which responsibilities and tasks he/she should undertake. The determination of individual objectives is also critical in achieving the overall aims of the institution. Furthermore, the approach is designed to enhance the performance of different departments. To ensure its efficiency, an evaluation system is necessary (Nold & Michel, 2016). Thus, management by objectives not only allows for the allocation of rewards to employees but also the achievement of organizational goals.

Methods of Exerting Control in an Organizational Setting

            Firstly, the methods of exerting control can be approached through the bureaucratic theory since it provides a structure, predictability, democracy, specialization, and rationality. On the other hand, the scientific method allows for the selection of workers in a manner that leads to the efficient development of their managerial skills rather than the development of conflicts. Furthermore, the use of a system approach ensures a balance of effective and appropriate functions that link all components to attain the desired goals. Besides, decision-making processes make a great contribution to the setting of the objectives (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2012). It is important to set up regulations that govern and create operational measures by expounding and categorizing problems and developing solutions. Consequently, using a combination of administrative theories of organization, coordination, commanding functions, training, and planning, the criminal justice department can be productive in terms of achieving the set goals and performance standards.

Evidently, the criminal justice department needs to have a hierarchical structure that defines the level, job, and responsibility of each structural entity. To enhance organizational effectiveness, it is important to allocate specific tasks to the best-equipped employees. Additionally, formal regulations and rules should be set up to forestall concerns regarding predictability. For purposes of achieving rationality, the selection and hiring of personnel must be undertaken in an impartial manner. The appointment of specific individuals within the department must be anchored on responsibility and trustworthiness because of the accompanying authority in decision-making (Nold & Michel, 2016). Similarly, the exertion of control requires task-oriented aspects, feedback-sharing, and prioritization of focus as a method of emphasizing the need to achieve organizational objectives.


            An effective organization can be perceived as one that meets the goals set by the management. It ensures the attainment of productivity, efficiency, and performance which are considered as essential components of institutional success. Moreover, the criminal justice departments need proper management of personnel for the establishment of efficient operation. It is important to apply organizational effectiveness theories to facilitate the proper control of employees. Criminal justice personnel can use the aforementioned theories to exert the right management approaches and to monitor workers efficiently. Furthermore, performance is an important aspect of any department since it defines the extent to which goals are achieved. The approaches that criminal justice managers apply are critical in ensuring that the employees’ full potential is reached. Hierarchical methods are essential in criminal justice departments since they allow for the selection and hiring of specialized personnel to specific positions. It is evident that for the enhancement of organizational effectiveness to occur, one must have established skills and knowledge on how to manage the workers.


Nold, H., & Michel, L. (2016). The performance triangle: A model for corporate agility. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(3), 341-356.

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2012). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Zyngier, S., & Owen, J. (2013). Patterns of knowledge management leadership and delegation: Supporting an agile organization. System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 3695-3704). IEEE.

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