The Criminal Justice System

With the increasing challenges and opportunities in the criminal justice system, there has been an urgency to revise most of the legal policies in order to counter emerging crime. The advancements have been evident in the technology sector, police operation tactics, and the rules and procedures to be adopted by the criminal justice system in their operations (Devery, 2010). Terrorism is one of the key issues which have triggered advancements to be made in the legal system, has also affected the law enforcement sector which is a component of the criminal justice system. This paper will explore the impact of terrorism on the operational tactics, advances in the employment of technology, and policy development in the criminal justice system, particularly in the criminal investigation unit.


To begin with, police officers will be required to be alert to the security situation so as to report any cases of terrorism in their respective stations. Due to the heavy duties assigned to them, they will be provided with benefits and compensation such as health insurance. They will receive crime reports from witnesses and victims rather than be witnesses themselves. After making the reports, they should conduct investigations to ascertain the suspect by finding enough evidence which incriminates the terror suspect (Devery, 2010). If the suspect is found with concrete evidence, he or she will either be arrested or asked to appear in the courts of law at a specified date. The decision to be made by the police officers will, however, depend on various factors including the nature of the crime committed.

Due to the rising terrorist acts, law enforcement officers will employ crackdown techniques where their presence will dramatically increase in all regions. Furthermore, there will be an increase in sanctions as well as the threats of apprehension for all or specific offenses in particular areas. The officers’ high visibility levels will mean that there will be significantly a large number of arrests. This will also amount to the use of improvised techniques in dealing with terrorism cases. For instance, they may use plainclothes or undercover officers who will be working with uniformed officers. They may also need to employ other official actions on the terrorists in addition to the usual arrest procedures. The activities may include improving place management in the criminal justice system as well as promoting the conduction of sting operations. To ease these police activities, they may employ the tactic of targeting the repeat offenders of terrorist actions by frequently checking on their actions on a routine basis (Rosenbaum, 2010). Educating the public on terrorist crime by warning and creating awareness of the legal process regarding the same will also play a great role in ensuring that the legal system operates efficiently.

Moreover, the issue of terrorism will significantly influence the activities of police officers since they will be required to work swiftly in responding to these pertinent issues.  Local enforcement agencies will be promoted and will require intense operational support and assistance from state police (Rosenbaum, 2010). The activities to be delivered by the police officers to these bodies will include specialized services such as matters relating to computer crimes, training, forensic science, and technical assistance.

In conclusion, there should be increased interaction levels among local law enforcement, federal, and state agencies in order to combat terrorist activities. This should be evidenced by the increased levels of interaction between the federal immigration officials and the state police. Police operations will thus be aided by advanced tools, intelligence fusion centers, and analysts. Consequently, there will be integration between the components of the criminal justice system with the aim of combating terrorism.


Devery, C. (2010). Criminal profiling and criminal investigation. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice26(4), 393-409. Retrieved from

Rosenbaum, D. (2010). Police research: Merging the policy and action research traditions. Police Practice and Research11(2), 144-149. Retrieved from

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