Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers

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The online argument under review in this paper is entitled Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers an Examination of Commonsense Notions, Cognitions, and Judgments (Huss et al, 2006). This article was authored by Matthew Huss, Alan Tomkins, Calvin Garbin, Robert Schopp and Allen Kilian in 2006. In this online article, all references, citations, and quotations are made using the APA format.


The authors introduce quotations directly into the arguments presented in order to make their arguments irrefutable. Quotations are introduced after the gist of the argument has been paraphrased and presented in the preceding sentence. Thus, the quotations are aimed at reinforcing the paraphrased ideas that have been attributed to other people.

When introducing a paraphrase, the authors use phrases such as ‘it has been argued that…’, ‘law enforcement statistics indicate that…’, and ‘estimates suggest that’. In some paragraphs, the authors present the names of the authors at the beginning, for example, ‘Ewing and Aubrey (1987) showed that’. Elsewhere, in-text citations appear at the end of the sentence, whereby they are enclosed in brackets.

The authors have also used the summarization system to display similar views that are shared by several researchers. They have done this by simply writing down the researchers’ argument and putting the in-text citations containing the researchers’ names at the end of the sentence. This method is highly effective since it would be inconvenient to note down each researcher’s views and to put a different in-text citation in every case. In some situations, the ideas communicated could be largely similar except for differences in the choice of words and emphasis.

All these methods of citing materials have been used interchangeably throughout the article. They have been effective in bringing out different dimensions into the main argument. The reference methods used have also enabled the authors to avoid plagiarism by giving credit to other people’s ideas whenever they are used. The citations are used only to reinforce the author’s opinion in the online argument.


Huss, M., Tomkins, A., Garbin, C., Schopp, R. &  Kilian, A. (2006) Battered Women Who Kill Their Abusers an Examination of Commonsense Notions, Cognitions, and Judgments, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(2), 1063-1080

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