Essay 3 Controlled Source Persuasive Synthesis Essay – America’s poverty

Essay 3 Controlled Source Persuasive Synthesis Essay

Essay 3: Practice Controlled Source Persuasive Synthesis Essay

Your third essay is going to help prepare you for the work you must do to complete your research project for English 102. Essay 2 is called a Controlled Source Persuasive Synthesis Essay, and it is a practice essay. To break this label down I offer this explanation.

First, you do not have to locate the sources for this essay, and that is why it is called “Controlled Source.” I have located the sources for you.

In this essay I have also given you a suggested claim that you will may agree with, disagree with or qualify. You have the option of crafting your own claim based on the three readings and our class discussion surrounding the readings and the topic.

As for the synthesis, what you need to know is that the word “synthesis,” for our purposes in English 102, means to draw on different sources to combine their ideas on a single topic and bring the sources together in academic conversation. In order to effectively synthesize, you must combine your own voice with the voice of the sources into a new unified (coherent) whole.

This assignment is a “persuasive synthesis” because after reading the sources carefully and critically, you must form an opinion about the claim (or form an opinion about the topic and craft a claim) based on the observations of your readings and your personal experience. You will develop your position in order to agree with, disagree with, or qualify the claim {To “qualify” the claim would be to agree with it or disagree with it up to a certain point.}

The Prompt

There is much talk in today’s society about the income inequality that is prevalent in Americas Super Consumer economy. Many scholars, economists and educators are quick to point out that the current state of our economy is one which makes it difficult for people earning middle income to maintain a middle-class lifestyle as inflation and economic stagnation make it impossible for wages to keep up with consumer prices. The current state of the American economy also makes it difficult for people living in poverty to rise out of poverty to the middle class.

The Claim

As American citizens, we need to more fully educate ourselves on how poverty is affecting our citizens and our democracy. We need to have a greater understanding of how poverty exists so that we can takes appropriate steps to lessen or eliminate it in American society.

The Assignment

Support (agree with), refute (disagree with) or qualify (agree/disagree to a certain point) with the above claim [or the claim you have developed] by crafting well-reasoned, well-supported, meticulously proofread argument. You must cite the three articles with which you have been provided. They were handed out in class. Links to the articles are also posted here and on D2L

Length requirement: 3.5 – 4 pages {not including Work Cited}

Font: 12 point and legible such as Times New Roman, Ariel, Courier etc.

The Sources:

Kate Geiselman. “My Hard Lessons Teaching Community College.” From com

Madeline Ostrander. “What Poverty Does to the Young Brain.”

Virginia Sole-Smith “It’s Walgreens Vs. the American Dream in the Battle for Overtime.”

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