Application: Impediments to Cooperation and Collaboration

The law enforcement approach to terrorism resulted in a number of legislative, structural, policy, and regulatory impediments to action that ultimately hindered national security agencies. For example, under the law enforcement approach, terrorism was considered to be criminal acts of violence. Due to judicial checks and balances associated with criminal law, there were delays in the government’s action to address terrorism. Along with these problems, changes in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) role in counterterrorism efforts caused inherent issues. During the Clinton administration, the FBI was repurposed to focus on terrorism because of the perception that the threat was a law enforcement problem. This caused problems with collecting intelligence because the FBI does not have legal jurisdiction in other sovereign countries. Thus, the FBI was dependent on other countries for intelligence on terrorist activities. In addition to these problems, agencies were not communicating with each other. Therefore intelligence was not being shared between the FBI and the CIA as well as local and state areas of government.

To prepare for this assignment:
• Review Chapter 4 in The 9/11 Commission Report. Reflect on impediments to the structure and organization of and collaboration and cooperation among government agencies. Consider how these impediments impacted counterterrorism efforts.
• Select two impediments to the structure and organization of the FBI, CIA, INS, JTTF, Treasury Department, and/or FAA that existed before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
• Select one impediment to the collaboration and cooperation among the FBI, CIA, INS, JTTF, Treasury Department, and/or FAA existed before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
• Consider how counterterrorism efforts were hindered by the impediments you selected.
The assignment (1–2 pages):
• Briefly describe two impediments to the structure and organization of government agencies that existed before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Be specific.
• Briefly describe one impediment to collaboration and cooperation among government agencies that existed before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Be specific.
• Explain how counterterrorism efforts were hindered by the impediments. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation.

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