Final Project: Policy Analysis Paper

The Final Project: Policy Analysis Paper that was assigned in the Week 1 is due by Day 7 of this week. This paper will demonstrate your understanding of, and ability to apply and critically evaluate, the major concepts, theories, and processes presented in this course.

Please be sure your Final Project adheres to the criteria stated in the Final Project Guidelines located in this week’s Learning Resources.

In your 15- to 18-page Final Project, you should include the following:

Executive Summary: Describe the public policy problem of interest to you, the scope of the problem, and a capsule summary of your recommended course of action. (1–2 paragraphs)
Introduction and Problem Definition: Explain why the problem is important. Why should the decision-maker care about this issue? (1–2 pages)
Issue Analysis: Explain in detail, supported by scholarly resources, the scope of the public policy problem. You should describe the stakeholders (e.g., branches of government, interest groups, nonprofit organizations, media, the bureaucracy, etc.) connected to the problem. (3–4 pages)
Proposed Solutions: You are not expected to detail every possible approach to the issue you selected. However, based on your research, select 3 or 4 potential solutions that directly address the public policy problem you selected. It is important that you explain which stakeholders would be proponents and which would be opponents of each policy alternative you identify, and why, and the implications of their being for or against the alternative(s). You should make clear to the decision-maker the complexities involved with each proposed solution you analyze. (7–8 pages)
Policy Recommendation: Choose one of the alternatives to the public policy problem you selected and explain, based on scholarly materials you have examined, why it t is best suited to address the problem. Be sure to address opportunities and challenges of implementing your recommendation given any relevant political, social, economic, or cultural considerations. Additionally, explain what, if any, social justice and/or ethical issues are impacted by your recommended policy alternative. (3–4 pages)
You are expected to support your arguments and perspectives with citations in APA format. Approximately 5–10 scholarly resources, at a minimum, should be referenced within the Final Project.

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