Evaluation of the Agency’s Budgeting and Cumulative Report

As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected agency’s budgeting and then provide recommendations for improvement. Therefore, you will conduct interviews with agency representatives and research-related academic sources and Websites. The analysis will be read by the VP of Accounts and Client Support as well as by the leaders of the agency for whom you are working.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

Analyze the agency’s (or department’s) budget by following these six (6) steps and including the results of the analysis in your paper by: (a) identifying the agency’s budget as executive department or an independent agency; (b) determining which of the appropriation subcommittees has jurisdiction over each agency’s budget request; (c) determining where each agency’s operations fall in the functional classification of the federal budget; (d) determining the budget authority and outlays proposed for the agency; and (e) determining the actual outlays and budget authority for the agency in that year. (Title this section Budget Overview.)
Analyze two (2) major political influences on and primary accountability areas required of program administrators after reviewing FY2012 regarding mandatory and discretionary budgets. (Title this section Budgeting Assessment.)
Explain which intergovernmental agency, or agencies, contributes to and / or influences the budgetary decisions for the current and future budget over the next five (5) years. (Title this section Analysis of Budgeting Plans and Actual Expenditures.)
Analyze the impact of international policy making on the current year’s budgets and possible impact on future budget line items. (Title this section Implications of Foreign Policy.)
Recommend two (2) robust ways in which the agency could improve the budget for the next fiscal year. (Title this section Budget Request and Recommendations.)
Provide proof of one to two (1-2) interviews by submitting the completed interview form with a list of questions for and responses from each interviewee. (Put this in the Appendix under Interview Forms.)
Provide four to five (4-5) relevant and credible outside resources that support the content of this assignment. (Include no more than one (1) non-government Website.)

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