historical analysis

A dominant theme in Narrative Of The Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) is AFFECTATION—that is, the ways in which slaves and slaveowners are negatively affected by the system of slavery. Write an analysis of this theme, based on the following question:


In his narrative, Frederick Douglass argues that both enslaved African Americans and their white owners are impacted by the system of slavery. According to Douglass what are the affects of slavery on slaves and slaveholders?


Please note that this essay is not a summary or a biography. Rather it is a critical, historical analysis. Therefore your paper must include the following:

  1. An introduction, including a thesis statement that answers the question.
  2. At least six (6) pieces of evidence from the book to support your argument. These may be direct quotes or paraphrases but you must cite your source in a footnote that is formatted in Chicago style. See https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/03/ for guidelines. [Note: Microsoft Word has a built-in footnote generator]
  3. A conclusion that restates your thesis statement.


Your essay must be 3-pages (750 words), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman or Arial font (10-12 point). Please include your name and page number as a footer on each page. Please submit your essay in one of the following formats:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)
  • PDF


  • Text (.txt)

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