Digital poster presentations are increasingly the norm in the field of education as well as other professions. The use of technology in these types of forums is becoming essential in staying updated and competitive in the field. It is essential that you have experience in creating a digital poster presentation. Here you imagine you are presenting a high quality digital presentation to a group of key stakeholders regarding your action research. Therefore, the purpose of this discussion is to link your personalized leadership motivation into your skills as a leader in order to further develop into an efficient change agent. In this case, the change you are instigating is conducted through your action research. This process, in turn, greatly affects your followers, and the organization in which you work. Being motivated to understand and invest in your strengths and areas of challenges greatly informs your practice (Rath & Conchie, 2008).
Imagine you are selected from a large pool of applicants to participate in a distinguished conference poster session focusing on leadership strategies in action research. Your goals are to create a one page digital poster that includes three leadership and motivation themes identified from this week’s readings and your experiences, including a one-sentence explanation of each selected theme, and stating the ways leadership and motivational traits are represented in your action research study. Be sure to design the poster so that it is professional in appearance and therefore appropriate for presentation at the conference poster session. As you create your poster, consider what you have learned about what makes professional presentations effective and appealing to an audience. In this case, there will be well-known authors, experts in the field, and influential participants present including stakeholders in your own action research study. Use Glogster, Word, PowerPoint, or other software of your choice to create the poster and post the link to the flyer in your initial post or attach the poster to your initial post, whichever is most appropriate for the technology you chose.