Requirements: 1) ** MINIMUM ELEVEN (11) pages of RESEARCH ONLY. (11 does NOT mean ten and a half (10.5) or ten and a quarter (10.25) or even ten and three fourths (10.75) ** 11 PAGES OR RESEARCH MIN ** Currently has 8.5 after removing header & subtitles throughout research 2) Double Spaced, Typed (Times New Roman), 12 pt font, 1 inch margins GOOD 3) Complete with EXTENSIVE MLA citations throughout research Double check that in text citations are correct based on source & type of media 4) NO GAPS between paragraphs (Tab to indent at the start of each) REMOVE headings before paragraphs throughout research 5) ** NO MORE than 1/3 of the paper may be direct quotes ** Double Check 6) MUST have WORKS CITED page in MLA Format that ALPHABETICALLY lists works that were actually cited (used) in the paper. Clean up, add more space between citations so easier to read. I believe its alphabetical but can’t tell 100% until citations can be more easily read. 7) Works Cited must have a MINIMUM of 10 SOURCES I counted 14, just add the total # of citations to the bottom so I know I don’t miss any when I review it myself 8) ** DO NOT PUT A HEADER ON THE FIRST PAGE (OR ANY OTHER PAGE) EXCEPT YOUR LAST NAME AND THE PAGE NUMBER ** REMOVE headings before paragraphs throughout research 9) Graphics and other text features may be added AFTER the research paper