Design a small country that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

To do so, you’ll create policies and rationalize them using evidence from your research. You’ll need to define clearly your terms (happiness, greatest number, etc.). Organization: Your essay will have an introduction paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph–a beginning, middle, and end. Total length (including title page, abstract, and references) = ~10 pages. Each body paragraph must include at least one source from research. Your body paragraphs will zoom in on five or more national interests. Examples include: class, race, ideologies (belief systems, religions, and so on), urban design, architecture, transportation, renewable resources, leadership / system of government, arts (painting, literature, music, film), military, cuisine, physical / mental health of citizens, entertainment, invented history, scientific innovation / research, technology, health care, family structure, economic policies, business practices, imports / exports, geographic location, topography, natural habitat…. and any others you can think of. To reiterate: You are creating a country. Although a research paper, this is also a form of creative writing. Pick five or more national interests on which to focus. Support your proposed policies with concrete evidence from EBSCO articles and other online research. For inspiration refer to the essays on the ideal society, free will, and happiness (you’re assigned to read it next week–c’est parfait). Note that next week, Week 16, you’ll have additional reading assignments about happiness that you should also incorporate into your project. Have fun. Strut your stuff. You’re strong, capable writers by now. Be sure to create an outline, organize your ideas into sections, and use transitions to signal shifts from section to section

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