
paper will be turned in in ” turn it in” , so please be careful WITH PLAGARISM. this paper is for music class. we need to attend any classical music and just write about it. The concert must be in LOS angeles, ca and must be CLASSICAL concert ( for example, piano, orchestra) ( no concerts like madonna or taylor swift is accepted). The Walt disney concert hall has very good classical concerts., and the date of concert should be any date from September 1 , 2015 until now. you do not need to attend the concert just find one and write about it. here are the instructions: Summary: The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to become exposed to live classical music. Reports must follow standard college guidelines: double-spaced, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins, etc. Citations are not necessary since this is not a research paper but an individual review and perspective on the personal observations made during the concert. The length is to be 2 pages. In order to receive full credit, the concert genre must be classical, and the paper must be to required length. (Non-classical concerts and/or papers falling short of the length required will receive partial credit). University rules governing plagiarism and academic dishonesty apply. Content Description: These concert reports are to be a personal perspective and response to a live musical concert.

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