Developing a Research Premise

Writing a dissertation is an iterative, multi-step decision-making process that relies on feedback from your supervisory committee. The first step is developing the Dissertation Premise, in which you first define your topic based on initial research that you have conducted. The completed Dissertation Premise is composed of a title, a problem statement, a description of your approach for the study, and a listing of your preliminary references. The Premise leads to the next step in the process, the development of the Prospectus, which is followed by the Proposal.

In this Discussion, you will begin developing your Dissertation Premise by posting your proposed topic, problem statement, and the research approach that you plan to use in your study. As you consider the research problem you might address, review the Dissertation Premise Guide (provided in this week’s Learning Resources through the “Office of Student Research Administration: Ph.D. Dissertation Program” resource). This document will be a useful resource over the next three weeks as you complete your Premise. Pay particular attention to The Litmus Test, which defines the Walden University “hallmarks” of the doctoral research problem. Consider how well topics and problem statements in which you are interested align to these hallmarks.

Post by Day 3 a draft of your proposed topic, problem statement, and the research approach you plan to pursue. Also, include a brief statement supporting the importance of this research topic

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