Similarities between Russian and US military: Technology, training, and warfare


The United States occupies the position of the world’s superpower. Based on this understanding, one would expect it to be ahead of Russia in terms of military capability. There are many reasons why one may want to compare the military capability of the US with that of Russia. One of them is that during the Cold War, Russia was pitted in an arms race with the US in a bid to determine which country was stronger militarily. Although the Cold War is over, Russia continues to maintain some of the military equipment and infrastructure that it had developed during the arms race.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the similarities and differences between the US and Russian military. The thesis statement for this paper is that two of the dominant worldwide forces in terms of military are the United States and Russia. Though many similarities between the two exist, many differences also exist in the way they operate, include aspects of technology, training, and warfare.


Today, Russia has made numerous efforts to adopt advanced technology. Similarly, the United States is making major inroads in the adoption of new military technologies to strengthen its strategic positioning at the global level. One example is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles or drones in warfare. The efficiency with which the US has deployed drones to fight terrorism in the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as in Somalia …


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