Risk Management in Healthcare

Leaders in a health care organization have identified risk management as an opportunity for improvement for the upcoming year. The organization has hired you as a consultant to help assess the organization’s current status and define the future plan for addressing risks.


Resource: Risk Management Assessment Summary Grading Criteria and Sample Executive Summary located in the Center for Writing Excellence

·         Navigate to the Center for Writing Excellence in the University Library.

·         Under Writing Resources, click Tutorials & Guides.

·         Under Samples, click Sample Executive Summary.


Select an organization type in the health care industry as the basis for this assignment. The organization may be your employer or a health care organization of particular interest to you. Types of health care organizations include, but are not limited to, the following:


·         Hospital, nursing facility, physician office, emergency medical services, managed care organization, home health care, community health department or provider, pharmacy, laboratory, drug manufacturer, medical device manufacturer, durable medical equipment supplier, and electronic medical records software suppliers


Research the key concepts of risk management in health care and the factors that influence risk management for your chosen type of organization.


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word executive summary in which you complete the following:


·         Describe the purpose of risk management in health care organizations in general and in your chosen organization in particular.

·         Explain key steps this organization may take to identify and manage their risks.

·         Identify three typical or actual risks in your chosen organization. Describe how each risk might negatively affect your organization and its stakeholders.

·         Summarize the types of education, training, or policies that would help this type of organization mitigate these risks.

·         Include at least four sources, two from the University Library and two from either the course textbooks or this Week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Prepare a reference list of all resources and websites used in your research.


·         Format the executive summary and reference list consistent with APA guidelines.

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