Informed Consent

All required elements are fully addressed, easily identified, and integrated into the assignment at the highest level. All key facts are clearly identified and completely addressed. Where applicable, outside sources are used in addition to the course text in a highly effective way.

Directions: Write a 800 – 1200 word paper that includes the following:

  • the meaning and importance of informed consent. Include a court case in which informed consent was breached and/or other informed consent issues occurred. You may use the examples in the book or research different one
  • a fictional scenario of a client/client issue. State the fictional client’s name, background, issues, and their age.
  • identify how you would clarify and convey the responsibilities of you as the “counselor” and your client as the “client”
  • identify how would you inform your client of his or her rights based on the scenario you created? Keep in mind the client’s age and issues

This paper must:

  • have a thesis statement (statement of purpose/intent), must indicate the topics to be covered
  • use ONLY professional, objective language. Use objective, formal, not conversational tone/style
  • use APA style
  • use direct quotes sparingly – work on paraphrasing and appropriate citations for the paraphrased information


Informed Consent Readings

Readings and Resources

  • Read: Chapter 5 – Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities in Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions.
  • Resource: American Psychiatric Association
  • Resource: American School Counselor Association
  • Resource: American Mental Health Counselors Association

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