Identifying gaps in Nike’s corporate social responsibility plan

Create a presentation that will help the organization close the gap or gaps that exist in terms of social responsibility. Be sure to address the following in your presentation:

  • Identify any ethical issues and legal issues.
  • Identify how the issues violate utilitarianism, social contract theory, or Kant’s categorical imperative principles.
  • Identify the stakeholders affected by the gap or gaps.
  • Propose an action plan to help bridge the gap or gaps and improve the company’s relationship with its stakeholders.
  • Discuss the checks and balances that are required and why.
  • Explain how your action plan will benefit the organization overall and why it is necessary.
  • Propose Next Steps.
  • Wrap up your presentation with a conclusion.

A minimum of 4 references should be used to reinforce your thoughts. Be sure to include these both as in-text citations on your slides and on your reference slide.

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