Comparing management and leadership

This week you learned about the diferrences between management and leadership possess abilities and qualities abilities and qualities to be effective leadership. cannot replace management it is in additional to management.


Write a paper where you compare and constract the term management and leadership. Address the following in your paper:


. Provider examples of leadership versus management activities for each of the five areas crucial organizational performance.


o Direction

o Alignment

o Relationships

o Personal Qualities

o Outcomes

. Include your own examples, thoughts and experiences in your discussion.

Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one references may be from the Grantham University online library please adhere to the publication manual of the american psychological association (APA) (6th ed 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignment and papers.





Most busisness people would agree that being and innovation can be very valuable but this case suggests that it may be useful to “Innovate in the way one innovating” Like General Electric has done with its “reverse innovation” strategy.


Discuss Innovatio and reverse Innovation for large global business.

o Address the following in your paper and differences between GE’s traditional Innovation and reserve Innovation?

o Why GE so interested in reserve Innovation?

o Why is leading US MNE such ass GE afraid of emerging multinationals from emerging economies?

o what are the main concern that prevent Western MNE’s from aggressively investing in emerging economies?  What are the costs not to focus on emerging economies.


Include a title page 2-3 references. Only one references may be from the intent (not Wikipedia). The other reference must be from the Gratham University online library. Please adhere to the Publication manual of the america Psychological association (APA) (6th ed 2nd priting ) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.

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