Defining Social Justice

Social justice has been defined in different ways, but the definitions usually include similar ideologies. As you study the concept of social justice, you will come across some of the following ideas:

  • Historical inequities that affect current injustices should be corrected until the actual inequities no longer exist or have been perceptively “negated.”
  • Wealth, power, and status should be redistributed for the good of the individual, the community, and the society.
  • It is the responsibility of the government (or those who hold significant power) to ensure a basic quality of life for all its citizens.

From country to country social justice is defined in different ways, and the definitions usually include ideologies as well as differences. Research the definition of social justice in the United States using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Select another country to examine its definition of social justice in order to analyze the ideologies and similarities using the following steps:

  1. Analyze the ideologies.
  2. Identify the similarities.
  3. Using your reasoning skills, give supporting statements or arguments that support your position(s) about the social justice.

Your comparing and contrasting must consider the following:

  • Historical values and ideologies of the country
  • Economic structure of the country
  • Discrimination issues, if any exist

Develop a 2–3-page analysis of the definitions of social justice in the U.S. and a country of your choice. Analyze the ideologies, identify their similarities, and explain how these factors support your statements or arguments about the social justice you’ve selected. Support your explanations with a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the course text and apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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