Family experiences

This assignment is designed to help you to clarify your own perceptions about your ethnic background and how those perceptions influence your personal identity. In addition, it is an opportunity for you to consider how your family experiences have shaped your views regarding race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and social class, disability, and other manifestations of difference.

The purpose of this assignment is to compel you to think in a systematic way about your origins and how those origins have shaped your values and attitudes toward human differences. The objective is to help you to develop insight and to raise your level of awareness regarding some of the realities of the society in which we live.

To provide a background for your paper, please briefly discuss points “A” and “B”:

Make a brief statement about your ethnic background and what it means to you; briefly discuss why and how your ancestors came to this country; speculate on the conditions they left behind and on their possible motives for leaving those conditions.

In some detail, discuss the values that you have adopted from your family and your own values related to ethnic, racial, gender, social class differences and those associated with sexual orientation and ability and or other components of diversity. Please include examples.

The major portion of your paper must focus on an elaboration of points “C” and “D”. It is expected that you will include at least 10 reference sources in your paper.

Identify and discuss in detail the advantages, disadvantages, and privileges that you or your family members have had because of your family’s ethnic or racial background or identity (Please think in terms of privilege.). Examples might include matters of religion, racial characteristics, economic background, and family structure.

In a substantive discussion, relate what you have learned about yourself, how that knowledge affects you and what that knowledge means for your personal and professional growth. Describe in detail how you can apply your knowledge about your family history and the values you have adopted in your social work practice.

This assignment requires that you devote some time to the serious consideration of who you are and who you perceive yourself to be. This is not to be a biographical sketch but rather a critical examination of your own background and its influence on shaping the values you embrace or to which you subscribe. Refer to the readings and other sources to support your discussion.

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