Assess Potential Actions that can be Taken to Promote Ethical Behavior

This course is in Business Ethics:


When considering ethical behaviors and how to implement them in your own life, it is important to approach this through your own experiences. After reviewing the materials for this assignment, reflect on the importance of the Northcentral University Mission, Vision, and Values Statements and respond to the following in a paper:

  • What do Northcentral’s Mission Statement, Vision, and Values Statements mean to you as a student?
  • How should students, faculty, and staff at Northcentral as a whole strive to meet these statements?
  • What actions should individuals take at Northcentral to remain ethical in their unique roles?
  • After reviewing Jenning’s Reading 1.1 regarding the importance of a personal credo, write your own by answering the two questions the author poses for credo development (2012, p. 3).

1.) Who are you?  What qualities do you have that you hold above all else?

2.) What are the things that you would never do to get a job?  Keep a job? Earn a bonus?

  • Interpret how your personal credo can be effectively applied in the workplace.

Support your paper with minimum of three (3) scholarly resources in addition to the required resources listed for the activity – for a total of six resources. Therefore, in addition to the specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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