Homeland Security / Terrorism

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the horizon of America’s terrorism threat portfolio. Your assignment is not to merely identify and list organizations and movements that may engage in terrorist activities against the U.S. but also to demonstrate a deeper understanding, based upon research you conduct, of their history and their motivations. Based upon the research questions below, you are to write an analysis of 1,000–1,250 words that addresses the current and future foreign-borne terrorism threat portfolio of the United States. Include in your discussion an assessment of possible solution sets and techniques, based upon your analysis of the terrorist organizations you identify as the most threatening.

While forecasting future events is an inexact science, a professional intelligence analyst bases their conclusions on solid facts and sound principals of analysis. It is extremely important that you do the same in this assignment.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in an analysis document of 1,000–1,250 words:
    • What are the primary motivations behind international terror organizations that continue to plan to or actively strike against Western nations? Explain.
    • Have these motivations changed over the past several decades? Have they changed since September 11, 2001? Explain.
      • Are the motivations realistic and achievable? Why or why not?
    • How would you characterize the level of threat to the United States posed by international terrorists? Explain.
      • Based on your research, do you feel that the threat is increasing or decreasing? Why?
    • What are the 3 primary terrorist organizations or movements that you believe pose the greatest threat to the United States? Why?
    • Should the United States engage in an active dialogue with terrorist organizations in an effort to seek a peaceful solution? Why or why not?
    • In what domains does the most effective solution for countering the terrorist challenge exist? Consider the following:
      • National defense (e.g., armed military conflict)
      • National security (e.g., intelligence and secret operations)
      • International diplomacy (e.g., the United Nations; regional nation-state organization support; and negotiating with non-state organizations, including providing them with legitimacy)
      • Homeland security (e.g., securing the nation’s borders and domestic investigations)
    • Consider what the lack of a successful terrorist strike against the continental United States (CONUS) since 9/11 means to the current and near-term (5-year or less) threat horizon. Have overseas operations successfully countered the foreign-born terrorism threat? Explain.
      • Have robust domestic HS efforts deterred terror groups and individuals from trying? Why or why not?
  • Compile your responses in the final analysis document, and submit the file to your instructor.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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