Nursing ethics

Please answer the follow questions.

Please use APA format and proper in text citations.
I have provided references with noted under each reference on which to focus
I have also answered the first question.

1-In this discussion board, briefly introduce the research you found and
used in your paper.
The CardioMEMS HF System is an implantable device that wirelessly monitors pulmonary artery pressure in Heart Failure patients. The device is implanted into the pulmonary artery via right heart catheterization. After discharge, the patient is sent home with an electronic base unit and detachable antenna that allows the patient to record and transmit data to the CardioMEMS HF System website for physician review. If the readings are outside of the therapeutic the nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician phones the patient and modifies medications according protocol. The goal of this system is to improve patient outcomes in patients with HF and allow the physician to adjust treatment regimen before admission to the hospital is necessary. (St. Jude Medical, 2014).

2-Discuss the ethical, political and legal issues that may arise related
to this new technology or research.

3-You must address each area separately and provide some resources that
support your post. For example, is a politician campaigning against
this new research?

4- Are special interest groups lobbying for or against the technology?


insurers are so focused on cost that they are reluctant to approve clinically appropriate but costly technologies.
Nursing world web: Please focus on headings
Nursing Skill Sets Needed to Appropriately Respond to Emerging Technologies
Balancing the Human Element with Technology
Balancing Cost and Benefits

St. Jude Medical (2014). CardioMEMSâ„¢ HF System. Retrieved from

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