
Philosophy Essay

Assignment 2: The Good Life The final graded assignment is an 8–10-page paper about the question: what is the good life? This assignment will be completed in four parts, so you may want to use section headers to organize your paper. This paper is somewhat cumulative, so you may need to review material from previous […]

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A formal research paper that addresses a philosophical problem.

A formal research paper that addresses a philosophical problem

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philosophy aristotle

there 4 questions need to be answered based on articles or books, These are Discussion questions that need to be answered only , don’t write them in essay format please. 1.Aristotle spends a great deal of time delineating the various functions of drama, but the most important part of drama to him is plot. For […]

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Ethical egoism

Situation: dc is the principle that everyone should do what is in their own best interest. One of the justifications given for it is that people’s nature is such that they always act in their own best interest and cannot do otherwise, and that if they seem to be doing something for others, it is because […]

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Synthesize and evaluate a socioeconomic or demographic change affecting employment in the 21st century. Teach your fellow students about this change

Read 3 articles.   A Century of change: the U.S. labor force, 1950-2050, Mitra Toossi, Monthly Labor Review, May 2002 (13 pages) The looming U.S. labor shortage: Baby boomer retirement will change everything, Conor Sen, The Wall Street Journal Marketwatch, March 14, 2012 Despite Recession, High Demand for Skilled Labor, Louis Uchitelle, The New York […]

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Is a paternalistic approach to truth-telling in medicine ever justified?

The essay must address all the following questions: Is a paternalistic approach to truth-telling in medicine ever justified? If so, then how would you ethically defend it and what practices would it involve? If not, then how would you ethically defend an approach that prioritizes autonomy? How would that approach differ in practice from a […]

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A formal research paper that addresses a philosophical problem.

A formal research paper that addresses a philosophical problem

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philosophy and justice

Assignment 2: Philosophy and Justice: What is a Just Society? The goal of this assignment is to explore the meaning of justice. In a 3–4-page paper, address the following: Compare/contrast two social philosophies. For instance, you might explain Plato, Aristotle, utilitarianism, Marx, Rawls, race theory, and/or a feminist approach. Try and select two distinct approaches. […]

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This should be more of critical analysis rather than repetition of the works done by Aristotle, also avoid irrelevant verbatim citation of their works. Thank you

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John Locke claims that we can acquire knowledge via sense perceptions even though this kind of knowledge is not like that of demonstration. Explain how he argues for the possibility of this kind of knowledge with necessary quotations from the reading and

John Locke claims that we can acquire knowledge via sense perceptions even though this kind of knowledge is not like that of demonstration. Explain how he argues for the possibility of this kind of knowledge with necessary quotations from the reading and how he avoids the critical worries like the ‘bent straw’ argument. NOTE: This […]

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