MPA Competency #1

Introduction to the Artifact.

The artifact considered is a paper I wrote a while ago in the course of my studies. My passion for leveraging technology for efficiency made me come up with the chosen artifact. The artifact highlights the different ways in which robots and artificial intelligence, in general, can be used to shape the future of human resources. My choice of research in this area was influenced by a desire to increase productivity and efficiency in human resource management since it remains a crucial department even in the ever-changing world. On top of that, I wanted to get a better understanding of how data and technology at large affect workforce transactions and the advantages and disadvantages associated with the technology of artificial intelligence as far as Human resource management is concerned. The findings of my research were an eye opener to the limitless possibility technology provides and the scalability associated with it. one connection between the artifact and this particular competence is that the artifact is an illustration of use of agile technologies to enhance effectiveness which ultimately has a positive impact to the public. Additionally, the artifact eases management of information and people in an organization which is a demonstration of leadership and governance.


My Interpretation of the Competency

Leadership is a critical component of human existence because it gives some sense of direction to people by championing the required ethical procedures and activities (Ciulla, 2020). Under this competency, leadership is viewed as an art or a skill that enables one to provide critically thought decisions and plans and boosts effective interpersonal relations with an end goal of providing proper management and governance. This competence challenges an individual to do better in terms or organizational leadership, external collaborations empowering the subjects to be better humans.

Importance of Competency to Contemporary Public Service

It is impossible to achieve smooth flow of activities without effective leadership and governance. A lack of direction is much worse than a lack of time. Consequently, in my opinion I feel this competency is key in ensuring that there is transparency, accountability and proper coordination among workers. Since the public service is made up of people from different background, this competency is crucial in bringing them together and organizing them to achieve a resolute common goal. 

My Experience with the Competency

Human resource is an important department in any organization. Development, strengthening and shaping of an organization’s culture is initiated under the leadership of the human resource. Thus, in order to help my organization establish a winning culture, I decided to develop competency in this area. For the smooth running of activities in the organization, it is important that the human resource has an effective system. I plan to use this competency and artifact to improve operations in my organization in any way deemed fit. Nevertheless, I anticipate to work in a multinational company in future. I look forward to participating in various public policy formulation and implementation discussions as far as human resource is concerned. Consequently, I feel I should master the art of demonstrating change in a dynamic surrounding so as be able to manage complex programs and operate in networks of people and organizations


Ciulla, J. B. (2020). The importance of leadership in shaping business values. In The search for ethics in leadership, business, and beyond (pp. 153-163). Springer, Cham.

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