Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech


Introduction. 2

Literature Review.. 2

List of References. 6


The media coverage of the social and political issue is essential in creating awareness and improving addressing concerns of minority groups in society. The media has become influential in several ways. By presenting divergent views and different issues affecting society, the media has been at the forefront in advocating for the civil rights movement. The presentations of views by different activists have been achieved through the impact of media. As an example, the speech presented by Martin Luther King on “I have a dream.” While the presentation focused o critical problems that affected society in the 1950’s it has become an important part of historical messages that impact social activist and other agencies that focus on advocating for the rights of different individuals. The way these issues are presented varies based on the influence of civil right activist and the approach that the government takes in addressing such issues.


Literature Review

King’s speech has divergent features. He utilizes different approaches to attract the audience. Allcott and Gentzkow (2017, p. 121) argued that, racial and discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups had become a public concern in the 1960s. As a result, Martin Luther took a significant step in creating awareness and directly addressing leaders and government agencies to review was and adjusted policies that had negatively affect the lives of African Americans. The coverage of his speech was important to the media since it provided an opportunity to review the need to review different laws and civil rights, activist.

The media coverage of social activists and social movements and organizations is legitimizing and credible because it indicates a broader public view that the movement presents. King represented the concerns ad interests of African Americans that had faced oppression and other social problems for centuries. The issues had also become a major threat to the media since the public discriminations and concerns had affected the way the government addressed critical issues that affected society. Mass media offers a framework to understand the causes and solutions for social and political problems.

The coverage of King’s speech played an important role in revealing various problems that communities faced. It offered a framework for the audience to understand the broader context of claims made by King. His efforts to mobilize other human rights activists similarly played an important role in achieving diverse goals (Ryder, 2015). The speech attracted the media’s attention since most of the issues raised by King highlighted perceptions of political movements and the effect that it has taken un shaping the public’s opinions (Hon 2016, p. 9). This raised a broader debate regarding the need to d reforms and conduct in-depth analysis on major issues that affected the lives of black Americans strike campaigns by the minority groups, and Negro workers similarly facilitated the mobilization of the communities and leadership to take strategic steps in achieving different goals

The roles played by social activist is important in addressing critical issues affecting communities. King’s strategies and approach to civil issues were important. It focused on addressing major issues that had affected communities of African origin (Nayar 2016, p. 147). In the speech, King highlighted critical measures that would directly facilitate the achievement of goals across different societies. Racial and ethnic discriminations affect communities. It also influences the way a leader approach diverse problems facing communities.

A language is an important tool required for communication. King employs The language employed in the speech reflects the historical context for his message. He regularly referred to the biblical stories and related them with modern history. This created a sense of mission and passion for achieving dynamic goals. He was a master in using simple language with a key phrase of “I have a dream.” The repetitive structure of his language made it easier for the audience to follow and come along with the essential points presented through the speech. The connection is also noted through the speech (Nimtz 2016 p. 22). The King allowed himself to have a symbiotic connection with the audience. This was featured through the influence that the speech had on the audience. It moved people to act on various problems that affected communities.

Analysis of the coverage of King’s speech showed that the journalist often focused on the influence that the speech has on the communities. It reflects on how people integrate the message and approach given to social issues that had threatened justice across different communities. The audience’s attention was also affected by other factors, such as gender, education, race, and religion (Hon 2016, p. 9). Diverse racial communities approach the problems with a primary concern of finding an opportunity to address the threats that had limited communities from accessing equal rights as the Whites. The coverage further showed that the audience was significantly affected by the critical issues highlighted by Martin Luther.  The speech narrowed down to the key to puts that focused on highlighting primary issues that directly affected communities.

The study makes an analysis of The “I have a Dream” speech by Luther King, which proved to achieve a milestone in civil rights movements. It also accelerated the achievements of civil rights by African Americas. The coverage of the speech reflects outstanding skills and measures that can be applied in presenting an outstanding clear, and simple message (Nayar 2016, p. 147). The work o the media is important in providing a dynamic context that facilitates an understanding of different presentations. The points highlighted through the speech inspired millions of people. The coverage facilitates the ability of the audience to see the American nation out of racial oppression and into an era of freedom and justice.

Understanding the target audience is important in covering different social crisis that touched on the lives of people. Furthermore, the influence that speech has n different groups of people is essential in achieving the dynamic goals of a given presentation and coverage. Therefore media plays an important role in ensuring that message is delivered to the right audience. It also promotes the ability of people to analyze ideas based on issues presented and concerns raised by people across different communities. Utilizing the right communication model is essential in presenting a simple and inspirational message. It allows the audience to acquire a better understanding of the issues presented by the speaker.

List of References

Allcott, H. and Gentzkow, M., 2017. Social media and fake news in the 2016 election. Journal of economic perspectives31(2), pp.211-36.

Hon, L., 2016. Social media framing within the Million Hoodies movement for justice. Public Relations Review42(1), pp.9-19.

Nayar, P.K., 2016. Radical Graphics: Martin Luther King, Jr., BR Ambedkar, and Comics Auto/Biography. biography, pp.147-171.

Nimtz, A.H., 2016. Violence and/or Nonviolence in the Success of the Civil Rights Movement: The Malcolm X–Martin Luther King, Jr. Nexus. New Political Science38(1), pp.1-22.

Ryder, P.M., 2015. Beyond critique: Global activism and the case of malala yousafzai. Literacy in Composition Studies3(1), pp.175-187.

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