Rosemary’s Baby (dir. Roman Polanski) Film


Student’s Name. 1

Introduction. 2

Question 1. 2

Question 2. 2

Conclusion. 3

References. 4

Rosemary’s Baby (dir. Roman Polanski) Film


The movie Rosemary’s baby’ tells the tale of an innocent woman who falls victim to circumstances in her new community. Her neighbors convince her husband Guy to conjure Satan to defile the woman so that she can give birth to Satan’s child, the Antichrist. Many scenes in the film provide a strong critique of persisting social, moral and cultural values. Core messages of the film are communicated through the unusual names of objects and people.


Question 1

One eye-opening scene in this film that offers a critique on moral, social and cultural norms is Rosemary’s dream of being raped by her husband, Guy. Guy convinces her that he was the one responsible because he desired a child.  Rosemary later learns the truth – her husband and neighbors used her to bear Satan’s child. The film uses the occult to expose the role of sexism and the patriarchal system in undermining women’s dignity.  The dangers of patriarchal systems and their impact on women and society are also shown when Rosemary and Guy embark on a romantic dinner and Minnie Castevet interrupts to bring them a chocolate mousse. This drink sedates Rosemary to the extent that she is raped by the devil.

Question 2

‘Rosemary’ and ‘Tanis root’ are among the names of people and things in this film that I find unusual but carrying relevant messages. For instance, ‘Tanis root’ is the necklace given to Rosemary by Minnie. The jewelry represents evil as it has an unpleasant smell. It was also found on Terri’s lifeless body after her suicide and is an indication of a sinister tool used by the devil to control a marked target. In contrast, like a rosemary flower, which has an appealing scent, Rosemary’s name is a representation of an innocent person and, as such, a good choice for the devil’s plans. These choices and messages are worth paying attention to because they enable viewers to understand the flow, themes, and messages of the film.


‘Rosemary’s baby’ is a controversial movie with essential moral lessons to society. It questions the role of religion and culture in influencing human relations.


Gilbert, R. A., (2013), Occultism,

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