Visit a Religious Institution (VRI) paperr


Visit a Religious Institution (VRI) paper (20% of grade) You are required to visit a religious house of worship in the Tampa Bay area (see below list for options) and then write a 5 page paper that meets all of the objectives listed in the rubric below. You are responsible for locating, traveling to, and gaining access to the institution, as well as requesting access to a worship service and that a member speak with you. You may work in groups but your writing must be your own work. A list of approved institutions is below.

Your Outline of the above VRI Paper is due earlier than the paper and is graded! (5%) You are required to submit an outline of your paper soon after the midterm exam. The outline must show that you clearly understand the rubric for the assignment. The headings and subheadings of your outline must match the parts of the paper described in the “content” section of the rubric and clearly indicate that you have begun the research. The outline must also include the DATE of your scheduled and confirmed (by the institution) visit; the name of the institution; and why you selected that religious institution. Getting a date and a confirmation will require quite a bit of diligence! – be sure to call, email, and call again until you get a confirmed date!

Criteria Levels of Achievement
(3 points each) Adequate
(2 points each) Inadequate
(1 point each)
Does the paper use credible sources? Accurate information from the institution’s “insiders,” especially interviews of leaders and/or members; then group’s website, handouts or other publications. Anything they say about themselves should take priority. Also important is information from students’ personal observations during visit (things you would say or point out).
Information is accurate; resources are legitimate; resources include interviews of insiders and are varied. Information is accurate with only a few minor errors; one resource may be questionable; resources good but not varied enough Information does not include interviews is unreliable, based on second-hand account, or inaccurate; resources are generally not valid
Does the paper cover a broad spectrum of content about the institution?
Information collected on the institution must include the following eight dimensions: 1) description of geographical location and history of group in Tampa; 2) the particular religious tradition the group claims to represent; 3) defining beliefs and practice; 4) meeting times, forms of worship and prayer; 5) leadership of the group and number of members; 6) “outsider” and “insider” views of the group’s relationship to local community); 7) and an “insider” answer to this question: “What are some things you wish others knew about your tradition?” DO NOT LEAVE OUT #7; 8) general reflection on your overall experience and how it illuminates or challenges readings in class.
Paper includes all eight dimensions. Leaves out one dimension (not #7). Includes five or less dimensions.
Is there a substantive and meaningful use of information?
Information is complete and helpful; notes any convergence and divergence among sources. Information is only mostly complete and simplistic. Incomplete, incorrect, and/or irrelevant information.
Paper includes addendum with photographs and is well-organized and helps tell a story about your experience of this place.

Creative additions are directly from the institution, clearly relevant, and help reader feel as if they had visited the religious group. For the most part creative additions are helpful in telling the story but distract from the content and seem irrelevant. Additions have little to do with the institution and content of the paper.
Does the paper have a logical flow?
Paper is coherent, with clear introduction, language use, and conclusion; demonstrates extensive and intimate knowledge of the subject Paper is coherent for the most part, but missing important elements Paper lacks coherence and spelling and grammar errors are so frequent that it distracts from content.

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