
The aim of this paper is to summarize Scott’s article “Social Media in the Workplace: Approach with Caution”. In this paper, the author argues that although social media plays a critical role as a forum for discussion and sharing information, a clear distinction should be made between private and professional uses of this information. The main concern in the article is that if not properly used and regulated, social media can have a negative impact on professional standards and behavior in nursing. To illustrate this argument, Scott uses examples from the newly introduced Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code (2015a) (519).

Firstly, the article provides a background check on social media use in the profession, followed by an explanation on its benefits. In this regard, social media is identified as an important element in healthcare as it enables people to share information. It highlights professional aspects of information sharing that are facilitated by social media. An example of these elements is the online accessibility of professional journals such as Nursing Times. According to Scott, the website for this journal can be used to provide valuable advice and to address various issues relating to the nursing practice (519). Moreover, the resulting interactions can enlighten nurses on the policies and expectations of their practice.

Despite these benefits of social media use, Scott’s argues that online behavior should be closely monitored to ensure that profession standards in nursing are not compromised (519). In healthcare, particularly nursing, the NMC provides guidelines for online professionalism. In addition to this, the body punishes individuals who fail to act according to the guidelines. Emphasis is on the need for professionals in health care industry to ensure that they differentiate between their professional and social roles. The resulting argument is that nurses and other professionals must use social media websites with caution. Scott warns that inappropriate use of social media may undermine the standards of the profession, thereby affecting the way the members of public view health care professionals (521).

Moreover, the article has explained the role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) worksheet in providing guidelines on online professionalism. According to the worksheet, inappropriate behavior occurs when nurses fail to maintain decorum when interacting with members of society, leading to concerns about their integrity. The NMC is responsible for holding hearings which address nurses’ cases of inappropriate conduct and inappropriate use of social media, for instance, by posting offensive comments. According to the author, nurses who are found guilty of such conduct are often punished by being removed from the NMC register permanently. Scott also explains that the NMC guides nurses by informing them on social media behaviors which may affect their registration (521). Some of them include sharing confidential information, intimidating and bullying others, encouraging violence, and discrimination. The presence of these guidelines enables them to be cautious in their social media behavior so that their practice is not jeopardized.

In conclusion, the article explains the various ways in which social media can have both negative and positive effects on the nursing profession. Moreover, it highlights the importance of introducing guidelines on the online behavior among nurses. The author argues that regulations are important as they ensure that online professionalism is protected to avoid creating negative perceptions towards nursing professionals. Finally, monitoring social media conduct influences performance in the sector positively since nurses are discouraged from promoting counterproductive practices such as discrimination.

Work Cited
Scott, Ian. “Social Media in the Workplace: Approach with Caution.” Nursing & Residential Care, 17.9 (2015): 519-521.

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