Tchaikovsky and Women in Art


Select two (2) paintings depicting females by both a male artist and female
artist named within the Explore section. Compare and contrast these two (2)
depictions of women, and comment on any general tendencies that you detect among
artists of that era in this respect. Compare this situation in the late 1800s to
the way females are depicted in our own modern times, using at least one (1)
specific modern example.

Chapters 31 and 32, depictions of women by male artists Manet, Degas,
Dewing, Eakins and by female artists Cassatt, Morisot, Haudecort-Lescot, Sara M.

National Museum of Women in the Arts at Gallery of Art (search by artist name) at


Respond to the following statement:

selected Swan Lake ballets. Once dancers began dancing their costumes began to
accentuate their forms In 1876 Swan lake provided music for sinuous choreography
of the dancers. Swan Lake scenario initially in four acts, was fashioned from
Russian folk tales and tells the story of Odette, a princess turned into a swan
by an evil curse. The ballets were very good to the listening ear. I enjoyed
this piece even though Im not into this type of music.
The ballets haven’t been changed. In todays world the ballets fashioned and
dancers still remains popular with contemporary orchestras and audiences. An
example of music that could be classified as nationalism would be
folk music. Folk music is a common experience of
inhabitants of the locale. These traits make folk music a fructifying source for
art music, particularly when it is intended to evoke a particular nation or
ethnic group.

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