British people view Romania as a tourist destination

Dissertation structure: Chapter 1 – Introduction  Provide an evidence-based reason why you undertook this dissertation? …‘Therefore there is a need to investigate …’  Clear set out your aim (1 aim– normal the dissertation title) and objectives (4 to 6objectives)  Brief overview of research methodology  Outlines structure of dissertation Chapter 2 – Literature Review  Introduction – purpose, structure and value added ◦ Same for all chapters (except perhaps Ch 1)  Cites key relevant writers  Includes current literature, 5 years or less Critically comments on the literature, does not simply repeat what the authors wrote Chapter 3 – Research Methodology  Structure around Saunders et al ‘onion’  Explains what concepts entail eg inductive  Describe and justify choices  Cites conceptual theory to support discussion, BUT also empirical work that has used similar methodology  Includes ethics and limitations sections which are based on explanation and linked to cited literature Chapter 4 – Findings & Discussion  Findings simply states key points eg 50% aged 16-25 years old, 31% 26-35 …  Discussions explore what the findings mean in relation to the ideas raised in the literature – synthesise Chapter 5 – Conclusions  Conclusion should summarise the key themes ◦ Tip: align to your original aim/objectives ◦ ‘investigate X in order to achieve Y’  Recommendations (SMART) both in relation to the topic, but also the research process you followed  Strengths and limitations  Avenues for future work The following requirements must be adhered to in the submitted dissertation:  Dissertation length: 12,000 words (+/- 10%)*. The word count only includes detail presented in chapters; it excludes detail presented in Abstract, Contents Page, List of References and Appendices.  Text should be 1.5 line spaced except for the abstract, footnotes, appendices and indented quotations which should be single line spaced.  Margins should be 2.54 cm (Top, Bottom, Left and Right).  Pages should be numbered consecutively using small roman (i, ii …) for preliminary pages and Arabic (1, 2 …) for main text and appendices.  Main text should be in Times New Roman, font size 12.  Chapter titles, headings and sub-heading should be appropriately formatted using font sizes larger than 12.  Direct quotes that require emphasis should be single line spaced, indented from both sides (1.27cm), embolden with page number(s) disclosed.  Harvard citation and referencing style is required.

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