Urban Studies

Research Report Directions


Purpose:  To explore how the scientific method is used in human development and to report on current research investigations.


The Process:


  1. Locate a study that interests you and describes research on a topic relevant to human development. It needs to be a complete study including a sample of subjects (people) and a defined method, not just an abstract.  If you find a review of several different studies or a report on a study rather than the actual study, keep looking.  Also please do not use a case study.  The study must have been published in 2010 or after. You will be writing about one and only one study.  You do not need multiple sources.


There are many ways to find a scholarly study.  One way is by using the Smart Search.  To do so:

  • Go on Bb and click on Libraries and SMART search will come up.
  • Type in specific key words or phrases that align with your topic (i.e., families with disabilities, early childhood interventions, diabetes)
  • Hit search
  • Then on the left side under Show Only click on Peer Reviewed journals and set the date to 2010 – 2015
  • Select an article


Another way to search is:

  • Go on Bb and click on Libraries
  • On the top left click on Resources
  • Then Click Database A – Z
  • Scroll down and click Social Sciences Full-text
  • In the Search box type in your topic (i.e. families with disabilities, etc)
  • Under the header Limit to: click Full Text, and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
  • Under Publication dates: 2010 – 2015
  • Under Publication Type – Academic Journal
  • Select an article
  1. Read the full study completely.


  1. Write the report.


Paper format:


  • Title page containing the following information:
    • Your name on the upper right side of the paper
    • The title of the journal article being reviewed centered near middle of page


  • Body of paper requirements:
    • 3 – 4 pages in length,
    • double-spaced,
    • normal margins (NOT office)
    • 12 point font,
    • Times New Roman or similar font, and
    • include a running letter head.


  • Reference page citing article reviewed (instructions listed at end of document)


The body of the Research Reviews will include the following information: 


Introduction: This section should include the topic and an explanation as to why it is important or interesting to explore (1 paragraph).  Please do not start with: I chose this topic because….  Grab the reader’s attention with an interesting topic sentence.


Statement of research question: This section defines what the researchers are studying.  This section clarifies the author’s purpose for conducting the study, and states what is being researched.


Statement of hypothesis:  In your own words clearly explain what the researcher predicts.  If they do not state a hypothesis, do they infer a hypothesis?  If there is no statement or inference clearly indicate that there is not one stated.


Identification of research methods: Methods used to gather data will be clearly identified.  How many subjects were included in the research and how were they selected?  How was the hypothesis tested? Etc.


Results:  Identify the results of the research study.


Analysis of study: In this section include thoughts on the importance of the study, how the research could have been done differently to better meet certain needs, and how the study relates to HDF, etc.  DO NOT SKIP THIS SECTION OF THE PAPER.


Conclusion: The final section should summarize insights from the study.  It should not introduce new information.


The reference page will come last and doesn’t count for one of the 3 – 4 pages.


Please reference the article reviewed such as:


Mayhew, M. J., & Fernandez, S. D. (2007). Pedagogical practices that contribute to social                 justice outcomes. Journal of Adolescence, 31(1), 55 – 80.


(This includes the author’s name or names with last name(s) listed first, then initials only of first and middle name (if given), the date of publication in parentheses, the title of the article with only the first word and proper names capitalized, the name of the source that the article was in with the first letter of each word capitalized and the whole name Italicized and last comes the volume, issue, and page numbers as above). Note:  second line and following are indented.  (APA guidelines)


Important Notes: 


Brief quotes from the study may be used with citations, such as (Mayhew and Fernandez), but footnotes are not necessary. MOST OF THE PAPER SHOULD BE IN YOUR OWN WORDSIf information is copied and pasted without citation it is plagiarism which is NOT acceptable and can result in academic consequences such as a lower grade on the paper and/or in the class. For more information on the Academic Integrity Policy please click the following link: https://www.cmich.edu/office_president/ombuds/Documents/ACADEMIC_INTEGRITY_POLICY.pdf#search=academic%20i%20dishonesty


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  • Fill out the form and state the deadline.
  • Calculate the price of your order and pay for it with your credit card.
  • When the order is placed, we select a suitable writer to complete it based on your requirements.
  • Stay in contact with the writer and discuss vital details of research.
  • Download a preview of the research paper. Satisfied with the outcome? Press “Approve.”

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