marketing, maths, stats

marketing, maths, stats

Ontela PicDec (A) and (B) (KEL450-1)


1. Based on the three customer personas, which consumer segment should Ontela target?
2. Create a positioning statement for your chosen target persona and identify the key themes that should be emphasized in the messaging for the Pic Dec service to this segment.
3. What are the risks of using qualitative persona to select target segments?

1. Based only on the cluster analysis data, which preference related variables are most useful for segmentation identification and evaluation? Which variables are least useful?
2. Create descriptive profiles for the customers segment represented by each cluster, without using information provided in Exhibits 3 and 4.
3. Now use the profiling information in Exhibit 4 to create a revised profile for each cluster. Is this profile different from what you guessed based only on the preference data?
4. Which segment(s) would you recommend as a target for PickDeck? Justify.
5. Develop a positioning statement for your elected target customer(s)…

These written assignments should not exceed four pages. Up to three pages of supporting material (tables, figures, graphs) may be attached. This material should be referenced in the text of the write-up. Professional quality writing and presentation are expected. Write-ups must be double-spaced, in 12-point font with 1” margins.


Your answers and recommendations should be based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of case data. Your analysis should anticipate potential objections to your recommendations and illustrate its superiority over other alternatives.  It should be analytic and deliberative in tone.  The most persuasive documents are the ones that debate more than advocate.  After all, if you do not look at all alternatives, how do you know that you have chosen the best one? In answering the case questions, do not describe the case, but focus on the following three factors: 1) careful analysis of the situation, 2) description of your decisions or recommendations; 3) supporting logic and analyses. Assignments will be described in more detail as we get closer to the due date. Note that these assignments require data analysis as well as creativity/judgment.

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