
This article based on the information that was read and gathered that the for sure fact is that the method was researched as a qualitative method. Now according to Creswell, a purpose statement is either qualitative or quantitative and in this article, qualitative was explored in the research. (Creswell, 2009 pp. 112) The case study that was done by Alexander and Nank, although the research was good, the layout is questionable with the information given on their 10 year research with the program Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, found on page 367 of the article. I feel that extensive research could have been done in a timely manner as well as the research collected.

Alexander and Nank states, “The authors selected the conceptual frameworks of trust and distrust as a lens to track the development of county agency–nonprofit partner-ships for a number of reasons.” (Alexander and Nank, 2009 pp. 366) With the article’s beginning to the end, it is quite complex with examples, laws, statues, and most definitely the length of the research. Not fully understanding how a partnership was built but of course one was their due to the research timeframe. Now the question is whether or not it was an effective partnership? Regardless of building relationships with outside institutions that would help assist with adoption and placing children in a positive environment, a lot of underhanded things were going on. Although Alexander and Nank addressed the “fidelity to their declared purpose is the protection nonprofits offer clients who use their services and the inducement for dedication of resources; the value commitment is a legally binding responsibility of nonprofit boards (Stone & Ostrower, 2007),” something still remains unclear as to why it took 10 years. (Alexander and Nank, 2009 pp. 366)

When addressing the distrust comes in on page 367 when “one executive director of a neighborhood settlement house went so far as to ponder aloud whether the larger purpose of the county’s child welfare agency was to take “Black babies and relocate them with middle-class White people [in the suburbs].” There were 4 issues 1. Advocate for families and check office power steady with their conventional part. 2. Limit exercises inside of the area focuses that passed on police power. 3. Refusal to straightforwardly adjust to DCFS contrary to families, notwithstanding when in understanding in regards to the issue. 4. Development of a philanthropic official gathering to express their worries to DCFS in one voice. (Alexander and Nank, 2009 pp.379)

Alexander, J., & Nank, R. (2009). Public nonprofit partnership: Realizing the new public service. Administration & Society, 41(3), 364-386. doi: 10.1177/0095399709332296

Creswell, J. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

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