Prepare a description of the agency, the population it serves, and the services it provides.
Identify the person you are going to interview by title and provide a brief description of this person’s duties and/or role in the agency or organization.
Create a list of at least ten interview questions to use when interviewing this person for your course project. Include questions to solicit information about the agency, staff, services, and population served. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:Use complete sentences and work to make most of your questions open-ended (rather than yes/no questions) so that you are able to solicit sufficient information to understand the agency and the population it serves.
Do not use these questions to solicit information (for example, the location of the agency) that you can find elsewhere, for example on their Web site. Rather, design questions to help you gain an “insider” or expert view of the agency and the population(s) it serves.
Remember to include some interview “opener” questions or statements to help establish rapport.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. All interview questions should be written in your own words, with credit given to any sources. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources